Monday 27 October 2014

Rishworth, SDRduino and the Si5351

Just back from the 25th G-QRP Mini Convention, where I disappointed the punters by presenting again. I broke up the monotony of my talk with some examples of "QRP" TV test cards and thought it would be nice to design a new one, featuring our beloved Franciscan...

My subject took the simple ideas of last year's "Occam's Microcontroller" project and stretched them to embrace Software-Defined Radio, whilst keeping it all within the Arduino family.

The idea was embodied in the SDR rig which you see below, mounted on a piece of scrap plywood from my youngest daughter's house renovation project...

This project will, henceforth, be known (with apologies) as SDRduino.

Those fortunate enough to have missed the talk can see my slides here.

The Si5351 generated quite a lot of discussion at the Convention and I promised to put up some code. There is now a version of the "RF for Superhets" code available from this Github repository. I've tested it on 40m on my modular BITX - but would appreciate any bug reports from early "beta test" users!

...-.- de m0xpd

1 comment:

  1. Was just looking at your SI5351 info and noticed we have done something similar - SDR with Arduino. I used the Teensy 3.1 which has an awesome audio shield and library which makes SDR a lot easier and cheaper. Teensy + audio shield cost about $35 US. More info on my blog Keep up the good work!
    Rich VE3MKC
