Sunday 5 June 2011

SSDRA, another Dipper, and Red Roses

EUREKA - I have found a copy of Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur - for just a pound!

I spent an hour at West Manchester's Annual "Red Rose" QRP Rally today - which is where I made my purchase of the classic by Hayward and DeMaw. It is a paperback edition and it is a little tatty - but complete. A genuine bargain!

On the same stall, I spotted another Dipper, which I snapped up (this time for four pounds), thinking I might use the coils with the Heathkit unit I won in a WARC raffle a few weeks back.

However, on testing the device, I found it very sensitive, beating both my g3wpo and my GD-1u raffle win, so I shalln't be stealing away the coils.

Here's the new dipper...

It is powered by a PP3, has one active device (a four-pin metal can carrying the (partial) number 2089 - or is it 7089) which I don't recognise and is either an excellent piece of homebrew or a nicely executed kit. There are no identifying marks of any kind - so if you can tell me anything about it, I'd love to know!

I replenished stocks of some boring items from Will at Bowood, stopped by at the Kanga, RSGB and (of course) G-QRP stalls and took my leave of this excellent rally. I will certainly return next year and encourage all within striking distance to do the same.

...-.- de m0xpd

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