Well - I got a replacement crystal for my
g1dva QRSS beacon (thanks Dennis!) and put it on the air last night via my 1/2 g5rv with inductors and extensions for 80m...
I'm afraid I announced the event with an error on
KnightsQRSS. I had my rig in CW mode when setting up, rather than USB - so I had accidentally included the CW offset. Don't tell anybody, but I think I may have squirted out some RF below the 80m band before realising my dumb mistake and tuning to 3.50002 MHz! Anyway, despite the bum steer on QRG, the Knights soon tracked me down and the reports came in...
First to arrive was a report from fellow
FISTS member, Paul, m0bmn in Wolverhampton. I had met Paul at the
NARSA rally a couple of weeks back where, like me, he purchased a g1dva beacon kit from
Kanga (m0bmn's beacon is on 40m).
Maik, dl4dtl, kindly put his
'part-time' QRSS grabber onto 80m for the night in an attempt to copy me in JN49IH, South Germany. I captured a screen shot of my signal (both FSKCW and CW) on Maik's grabber...

and Maik kindly sent what he thought was the best grab of the night...

The 80m QRSS band segment certainly seems less densely populated than 30 and 40!
Les, g3vyz, sent images of my CW...

and FSKCW...

and Steen Erik, LA5GOA, confirmed that my signal was "clear and readable in jo29oi".
Many thanks to all who sent in reception reports - the g1dva beacon is now off-air and I'm back to my multi-mode beacon (
Blogs passim), which currently is struttin' its stuff on 40m.
...-.- de m0xpd