An unaccustomed bout of insomnia had me up very early this morning and I took the opportunity to get the PCB stuffed and working - here's the new PCB sat next to the original breadboarded prototype (and using the same capacitive paddle "blades")...

I couldn't resist trying the paddle on the air - so hooked it up to my Funster Plus (which has an internal keyer) and called CQ.
I didn't get any replies for a while but heard Andre, f5ukl, calling CQ and I answered him. He gave me a 559 and has offered to send an MP3 of the QSO - so I'll be able to hear the Funster Plus AND the new touch paddle from the "far side".
Many thanks, Andre.
I have to say, I'm very impressed with the touch paddle - I'll put it into an enclosure and use it in anger - it might not have the charm and feel of mechanical paddles, but it sure was cheaper than the Bencher!
...-.- de m0xpd
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