Stores didn't have a dc socket in stock, so power currently passes through a hole in the case. I opted to leave out the LCD backlight as my contribution to measures to slow down climate change!
I decided to try out the new VFO by using it to drive my WSPR receiver module, seen here on the bench with a bandpass filter (which previously featured in the multi-mode beacon until it was rendered obsolete by the arrival of the multi-band bandpass) in the antenna path. This allowed me to run the receiver on 30m whilst the multi-mode beacon was transmitting on 40m (without it, the "open" front end of the direct conversion receiver was swamped by the transmitter output).

It was nice to do some WSPR receiving again - something of a payback for all those times I've been just transmitting! Here's the decode screen doing its stuff...
Very nice. Following your WSPR adventures with homemade equipment with great interest. 73, Bas